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Re: petites config et internet
Je voulais juste ajouter qqc.
Pour le browser web, je crois avoir une solution intéressante avec ViewML,
et qui est GPL en plus. :o)
Je vais sûrement tenter de trouver mieux, mais les Screenshot semblent
très bien, et plus que suffisants pour respecter la condition "navigateur
Internet graphique".
>What is the ViewML Browser?
> The ViewML Browser, sponsored and contributed by Century
>Software and MontaVista, meets these needs by combining
>high-quality HTML display, a small memory footprint, and an
>open development environment to the public.
>Currently, the ViewML browser runs in about 2MB of RAM while
>having a codefile size of around 800k. Combined with
>Microwindows, the entire environment can run in less than
>2.5MB RAM, which allows it?s use on most 32-bit embedded
>Linux systems running graphical displays. By placing the
>entire project into open source, we feel that other contributors
>will get involved, and ultimately, the problem of having a
>high-quality web browser for the embedded Linux environment
>will be solved.