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RealWorldLinux discount code

For anyone that's attending the paid portion of the RealWorldLinux Conference www.realworldlinux.com in Toronto on April 28-30th. Here is the code ( GROUP CODE A100 for CLUE) you can use to receive a 10% discount on paid attendance. Note that attendance to the Exhibition Floor is Free, but only if you preregister.

CLUE Booth Volunteers:
For any volunteer that only requires Exhibition Floor access during show hours, can you just register as a normal trade show visitor on the regular secure site at: https://www.exporeg.com/realworldlinux/ Trade show only registration is free until April 25th.

Following registration, email Bill Thanis [email protected] and he will put you on the schedule. Note, by emailing Bill Thanis, you are in effect volunteering to work in the CLUE Booth. Responsibilities are your standard type: answering questions, handing out flyers (if we have any), etc.

Bill Traynor
CLUE guy.