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Free Software Foundation Must Die

Stallman takes a beating!

When a project receives the foundation's approval, it results in
much effort being poured into that project. In theory this might be a
good thing, except the foundation has a knack for approving
technologically unsound projects. That lack of perspective combined
with influence has cost the community millions of lost man-hours. And
that is inexcusable. 


Those who argue that GNOME should exist purely to offer competition
and choice fail to see that Windows offers all of the competition and
choice the community needs. GNOME is a waste, and the FSF must
shoulder some of the blame.


 The latest and most disastrous act of the FSF was approving
 DotGNU. By announcing its support for such a misguided
 project, the FSF is again guilty of the crime of misleading the

 The case against Microsoft's .NET and its free cousin DotGNU is
 easy to make: (...) it is an inferior and redundant technology. Any
sort of proprietary/binary Web service is doomed because of the
 continuing meteoric rise and the technical superiority of XML.


Il m emanque de connaissances technique pour poser un jugement, mais
il me semble y avoir ici un semblant de bon sens, non?

La Masse Critique
Rencontrez Néfertiti, Einstein, Tocqueville, etc.

Le sionisme est aujourd'hui aux juifs ce que le nazisme était aux Allemands chrétiens.