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JUST FOR FUN: Linux par Linus
- To:
- Subject: JUST FOR FUN: Linux par Linus
- From: (Gilles Pelletier)
- Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 16:27:43 -0400 (EDT)
JUST FOR FUN: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary
Un autre chapitre du livre de Linus. Ici, les débuts. Ce cher et
inoubliable -- pour tous, je pense -- premier ordinateur.
My sister Sara knew about my great personal accomplishment. I showed
it to her and she looked at the screens of AAAAAA`s and BBBBBBBBs for
about five seconds; then she said "Good" and went away, unimpressed. I
realized it didn't look like much. It's completely impossible to
explain to somebody else that, while something may not look like much,
a lot is going on in the background. It's about as impressive as
showing somebody a stretch of road you've just filled in with tar.
Probably the only other person who saw it was Lars, the other
Swedish-speaking computer-acience major who started the same year I
La Masse Critique
Rencontrez Néfertiti, Einstein, Tocqueville, etc.
Le sionisme est aujourd'hui aux juifs ce que le nazisme était aux Allemands chrétiens.