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VALINUX: la profitabilite va en s'eloignant

VALINUX: la profitabilite va en s'eloignant

Net revenues for the three months ended April 28, 2001 decreased by approximately $14.3 million or 41% to $20.3 million, compared to net revenues of $34.6 million for the three months ended April 28, 2000. The Systems and Services business segment and the OSDN business segment accounted for $17.0 million or 83.8% and $3.3 million or 16.2% of net revenues, respectively, for the three months ended April 28, 2001, compared to $34.6 million or 100% and $0 million or 0% of net revenues, respectively, for the three months ended April 28, 2000. 

Net revenues for the nine months ended April 28, 2001 increased by approximately $49.3 million or 71% to $118.9 million, compared to net revenues of $69.6 million for the nine months ended April 28, 2000. The Systems and Services business segment and the OSDN business segment accounted for $106.5 million or 89.6% and $12.4 million or 10.4% of net revenues, respectively, for the nine months ended April 28, 2001, compared to $69.6 million or 100% and $0 million or 0% of net revenues, respectively, for the nine months ended April 28, 2000. 

   Net loss attributable to common stockholders

3 MONTHS ENDED                      9 MONTHS ENDED
APRIL 28,     APRIL 28,          APRIL 28,     APRIL 28,
2001                     2000                2001               2000

(539.3%)            (59.6%)           (197.7%)        (67.7%) (Losses)


Et là, on parle de grands codeurs, Larry Augustine, Eric Raymond et autres, des gens qui allaient donner à Linux ses lettres de noblesse!

Une chance qu'il reste Debian!