
Category Category

A category is a Wiki Name that exploits [Wiki]WikiWiki's reverse linking. If you click on the title of a category page, you'll get a list of pages belonging to that category. To get a list of all categories, click above on the CategoryCategory title.

Here is a list of all categories known to this wiki:

Here is a list of all pages containing the CategoryCategory wiki tag:

  1. AiutoSuMacro . . . . 1 match
  2. CategoryCategory . . . . 1 match
  3. CategoryHomepage . . . . 1 match
  4. HelpOnMacros . . . . 1 match
  5. HelpOnUpdating . . . . 1 match
  6. HilfeZuMakros . . . . 1 match
  7. HilfeZumUpdaten . . . . 1 match
  8. SystemPagesInEnglishGroup . . . . 1 match
  9. SystemPagesInSwedishGroup . . . . 1 match
  10. WikiCourse/BasicIntroduction/210 Organisation and Structure . . . . 1 match

To be consistent with the C2 category scheme, all categories start with the word "Category". For more information, see [Wiki]AboutCategoriesAndTopics.