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RNC Protest - Blog Blast

erob is inviting you to link to CounterConvention.org on your blog or website.


Dick Cheney, Karl Rove and President Bush are invading 
New York City with a few thousand of their minions for 
the Republican National Convention. 

Never has a Republican Convention been held in New York 
City, and never has one been scheduled so late in the 
year (ending just before September 11th.) Bush & Company 
believe they can exploit our city in order to further 
their regressive agenda. 

Several hundred thousand protesters are going to 
prove them wrong. 

Help us spread the word by adding a link to us from 
your blog or website. 

CounterConvention.org is a web site with tools and resources 
for convention protest organizing. It is not an umbrella 
organization or event, we are simply a collective of activists 
working to use technology to connect together the huge amount 
of demonstrations, teach-ins, trainings, and creative events 
being planned. 

Help us spread the word by linking from your Blog or Website 
with the follow phrases: 

Republican National Convention 


RNC Protests 

Set your links to point to: 


If enough websites and blogs link to us using the phrase 
'Republican National Convention' some search engines will list 
us as the first site with that search phrase. Imagine 50,000 
Republican delegates searching for information on their convention 
and being sent to CounterConvention.org. 

Linking RNC Protests or Republican Convention Protests will help 
people looking specifically to protest. 

If you have thoughts or questions please e-mail us at: 
[email protected]

For full details see:

Thanks for the support!

(The e-mail addresses used in our invite system are 
not stored in any way.)