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Linux au Mexique; maintenant l'Espagne?

"The poorest region of Spain has adopted Linux as the official operating 
system of public schools and offices, in hopes of improving the area's vast 
technological and economic lag."

"Governments in developing regions worldwide have eagerly embraced the 
open-source movement as a way to trim fat from their budgets. But free 
software initiatives fail when officials believe they will no longer have to 
invest in their IT systems. Take the case of Mexico's Red Escolar , launched 
in 1998 to install Linux in the country's 126,000 public schools. The 
government simply shipped CDs to schools without training teachers how to use 
the operating system or contracting programmers to administer it.

That won't happen in Extremadura, Vazquez de Miguel said."

"The decision to incorporate (Linux) is not an isolated decision, nor is it 
limited to handing out software," the minister said, adding that training 
Extremadura's 15,000 teachers to use the system and to incorporate the 
computers in the classroom has been a government priority. "


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