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Une histoire de Mandrake ...
- To:
- Subject: Une histoire de Mandrake ...
- From: Moulinneuf <>
- Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2001 06:30:45 -0500 (EST)
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
Texte original
>>>The funny thing was that the Linux distribution they had just
installed was Mandrake 8.0 <<<<,
which has dirt-simple visual tools for modem detection and setup
and includes, by default, the KPPP dialer, which only takes a
few mouseclicks, plus typing in your ISP's local phone number
and your username/password, to get working. I butted in just
before the new guy was totally lost, and showed him how to set
up his modem connection the easy, point and click way - in about
30 seconds.
Texte modifier GP
The funny thing was that the Linux distribution included the
KPPP dialer, which only takes a few mouseclicks, plus typing in
your ISP's local phone number and your username/password, to get
working. I butted in just before the new guy was totally lost,
and showed him how to set up his modem connection the easy,
point and click way - in about 30 seconds.
C'est malhonnete ton histoire et j'ai dit que je te corrigerai
quand tu fait ce genre de cochonnerie ...
avec un exemple comme sa on voit tres bien le magouilleur ...
De plus c'est pas toi qui dit qu'on parle pas asser d'éducation
et qu'il y a trop de clickodrome et pas asser d'éducation ?
Dans le fond tu est un bon politicien tu prend juste la réalité a ton gout et si la realité est pas a ton gout tu t'arrange pour modifier la réalité.