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Star Office 6: more good news!

Here, we found ourselves momentarily salivating over the
 prospect that StarOffice 6 might be out in beta, only to have our
hopes dashed. Sun says StarOffice 6 might be out in beta some day
soon, and we found ourselves salivating once more as we filled out a
form granting Sun the right to spam us for all eternity for the
privilege of knowing when we could get at a hunk of beta software that
will hopefully do more for the OpenOffice team's credibility than
Netscape did for Mozilla's.

LinuxWorld is just around the corner, so things will pick up some, and
we're considering a pool to guess how many "Java applets with Linux
support" will be announced by obscure companies with desultory PR
firms... so things are looking up.

La Masse Critique
Rencontrez Néfertiti, Einstein, Tocqueville, etc.

Le sionisme est aujourd'hui aux juifs ce que le nazisme était aux Allemands chrétiens.