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Raymond on the VA Linux Change of Course

Comme tout ce qui concerne Raymond, cet article est un endormitoire de
première classe. Le paragraphe suivant mérite toutefois considération.
Il paraît que MSFT aime bien la licence BSD.

ESR: I'm sure Microsoft's stamp of approval for BSD is very sincere,
and I'm also sure it's an attempt to frame Linux out of the picture.
The Windows TCP/IP stack is built around BSD code; from Microsoft's
point of view, the BSD crowd are a bunch of suckers begging to be
exploited again and again. I'm certain Microsoft would love for the
entire open-source world to turn into an acquiescent source of free
R&D for its monopoly. 

La Masse Critique
Rencontrez Néfertiti, Einstein, Tocqueville, etc.

Le sionisme est aujourd'hui aux juifs ce que le nazisme était aux Allemands chrétiens.