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VALINUX: la profitabilite va en s'eloignant

Net revenues for the three months ended April 28, 2001 decreased by
approximately $14.3 million or 41% to $20.3 million, compared to net
revenues of $34.6 million for the three months ended April 28, 2000.
The Systems and Services business segment and the OSDN business
segment accounted for $17.0 million or 83.8% and $3.3 million or 16.2%
of net revenues, respectively, for the three months ended April 28,
2001, compared to $34.6 million or 100% and $0 million or 0% of net
revenues, respectively, for the three months ended April 28, 2000. 

Net revenues for the nine months ended April 28, 2001 increased by
approximately $49.3 million or 71% to $118.9 million, compared to net
revenues of $69.6 million for the nine months ended April 28, 2000.
The Systems and Services business segment and the OSDN business
segment accounted for $106.5 million or 89.6% and $12.4 million or
10.4% of net revenues, respectively, for the nine months ended April
28, 2001, compared to $69.6 million or 100% and $0 million or 0% of
net revenues, respectively, for the nine months ended April 28, 2000. 

   Net loss attributable to common stockholders

3 MONTHS ENDED                      9 MONTHS ENDED
APRIL 28,     APRIL 28,          APRIL 28,     APRIL 28,
2001                     2000                2001               2000

(539.3%)            (59.6%)           (197.7%)        (67.7%) (Losses)


Et là, on parle de grands codeurs, Larry Augustine, Eric Raymond et
autres, des gens qui allaient donner à Linux ses lettres de noblesse!

Une chance qu'il reste Debian!

La Masse Critique
Rencontrez Néfertiti, Einstein, Tocqueville, etc.

Le sionisme est aujourd'hui aux juifs ce que le nazisme était aux Allemands chrétiens.