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TRÈS INTERESSANT! (suite de "interessant!")

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It appears that your operating system is not supported by shockwave.com. We
support the following operating systems: Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000,
Windows NT 4.0 (or later), and Mac OS 8.1 (or later). 

autrefois certains sites ne supportaient que certains 
navigateurs ( netscape, ie etc)
maintenant ces sites filtrent au niveau du systeme d'exploitation...

Aujourd'hui shockwave, et demain ????

...en plus en visitant le site avec Netsape6 sous win, on peut y lire....
Unfortunately, we're experiencing a few problems with the latest release of Netscape 6. Our friends at Macromedia and Netscape are currently working together to fix these problems so you can take full advantage of our site. You can be sure that we will support Netscape 6 as soon as all the fixes become available. In the meantime, please choose an earlier version of your browser when visiting shockwave. 
...lâche pas!