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Re: Corel garde ses activites Linux!

Nouvelles contradictoires:


Corel Corp. (CORL, news, msgs) said the new corporate strategy targets
are based on the objectives that have been established for each of
Corel's product groups: 

-Linux: the company's expanding vision for Linux includes providing
customers with a bundled solution that minimizes the total cost of
ownership and eliminates integration issues; 


The company's expanding vision for Linux(R) includes providing
customers with a bundled solution that minimizes the total cost of
ownership and eliminates integration issues. To realize its Linux
vision and to increase the value of its Linux equity for both
customers and shareholders, Corel is actively pursuing opportunities
to allow it to spin off the Linux Distribution element of its Linux
division while retaining an interest in the new prospective company.
Corel will continue to develop brand name applications for the Linux
operating system including WordPerfect(R) Office for Linux and
CorelDRAW(R) for Linux. 


Ne continue pas:

Linux suffered a blow today as Corel Corp. announced it plans to spin
off part of its Linux division, effectively taking the company out of
the market as a developer of Linux desktop operating system software. 


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