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A dummy-plus user base: MSFT was lucky

Bon! Mes quatres messages n'ont toujours pas paru sur le serveur de
Vidéotron. Je change donc légèrement le titre en espérant qu'ils ne
s'inscriront pas dans le fil précédent et qu'ils finiront par sortir
de L-Q.

Désolé s'il y en a qui ont reçu des doubles ou des triples.



>i cannot imagine somebody only wanting to use the linux o/s and not having 
>any insite in the o/s to maintain it etc unless they have a system 
>administrator on hand (say a son, daughter, relative who knows linux).

Right! And this kind of support is needed even with Windows. But MSFT
was lucky: for years DOS was taught in schools and there a user base
that's more knowledgeable than the average dummy.

I went through this myself, but I'm getting at a certain age and when
I saw what a mess Linux documentation is for a non-experienced user, I
decided this kind of trial and error-ing wasn't for me. Since I'm a
pretty good writer (in french) though, I said I was ready to write a
step by step hands-on tutorial on installation. All I asked was an
installation of Debian "by-the-files", meaning without using silly
interfaces. (Hey what's so hard to understand about fdisk? Who needs
an interface that often fucks everything up?)

But geeks are too busy at trial and error-ing and have never
established a way to learn. I proposed hundreds of hours of my time
against a mere installation of Debian and was turned down.

IBM won't change this: the viability of any OS is built from the
desktop up, not from the server down. Linux is going astray just like
OS2 did. (I believe I said that : )

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