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Jan. 15, 2002

Microsoft extends the Passport service thanks to a new "Personalize"
button in FrontPage 2002. Click it to insert a banner and your
visitors will automatically be directed for automatic ID and password
check for your site. No more filling forms! And your 2002 Personalized
Server will then know which ad to offer: Vatican's Holy Paintings, or
Brenda's hardcore pictures : ) Millions have already subscribed to
Passport's new free-style web browsing. The door is opened for future
generations. And no questions asked. Ever!

Put an X on outdated LinuX and UniX servers: making money is now next
to free! The Frontpage 2002 and 2002 Personalized Server price tags
reflect our philosophy of always offering much more at the same price.
And, as an introductory offer, Microsoft lets you have a 99% cut on
profits. Only 1% for administration! Absolutely no intermediary, we
can even provide myriads of ads! 

So why bore, or worst, chock your visitors? Microsoft's 2002
Personalized Services takes you today where everybody will follow
tomorrow! Lead the way to the future: just click the Personalize

(Save us billing costs and get a 5% discount for being part of MSN!
All charges on your MS Partner Free Spending Card. Get up to 50% off
your next vacation!)


Pendant que dans le monde Linux on s'évertue à produire une nième
interface graphique pour fdisk afin de lancer une nouvelle distro
(évidemment cotée en Bourse) qui va révolutionner le monde, M$ se
penche sur... une redirection!

Ça ne tiendra pas le coup? Ne gagez pas là-dessus! Avec l'éducation
que les gens reçoivent aujourd'hui en informatique, j'ai plutôt
l'impression qu'ils vont se retrouver heureux comme des cochons le nez
dans l'auge. 

À qui la faute?

La Masse Critique
Rencontrez Néfertiti, Einstein, Tocqueville, etc.