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L'oncle Bob multimilliardaire

Selon le NYT: L'oncle Bob multimilliardaire

The VA Linux IPO is the latest in a series of appearances the
Unix-like operating system has made on Wall Street. Red Hat's August
IPO, has spurred a phenomenon mirroring the heady days of Internet
stocks, with Red Hat's stock leaping from its IPO price of 14 to its
current value of 214.94. 

That quick increase in value means people who are able to buy the
stock at the IPO price can see major gains. Red Hat's founder Marc
Ewing and its chairman Bob Young each have had their shares in Red Hat
stock top $2 billion when Red Hat's stock reached 254 on Monday.

Commentaire de Jeff Carr of LinuxPPC

The Linux phenomenon on Wall Street, such as Red Hat's continuing
stock price jumps, is "madness," Carr said. "I can't even begin to
fathom why it happened." 

And the huge surge of investment dollars that goes to publicly traded
companies makes it difficult for privately owned companies such as
his, he said. 

"Everyone just dumps money into the market," Carr said. "I'm really
frustrated by it because for legitimate businesses, it is impossible
to conduct business without going public. I'm being forced to go
public, basically," Carr said. 

Et ceux qui ont codé? Bah, il y en a quelques chanceux qui ont dû
faire quelques milliers de dollars.

Joker Bob, what have you done?
You made a fool of everyone.

La Masse Critique
Rencontrez Néfertiti, Einstein, Tocqueville, etc.