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Nouvelle distribution!

J'ai lu cet article sur http://www.linuxtoday.com et j'ai crû bon vous
en faire part. Il s'agit d'une nouvelle distribution qui plaiera aux
néophytes car elle s'installe directement sur la partition de Win9x,
donc pas besoin d'en créer d'autres. Elle peut même s'exécuter au même
titre qu'une autre application Windows à partir du menu démarrer. Je ne
l'ai pas essayée moi-même, j'attends de vos commentaires...

[ Linux Today reader Dave N. writes: ]

   "WinLinux Beta (Final Beta) has been released. This distribution is
the first (and curently only) made
   for windows Linux distribution. According to the authors it's
features include:

        Windows integration: WinLinux 2000 installs as easily as any
Windows application
        Smart configuration: your hardware devices are detected and
automatically configured to reflect
        your current settings and preferences...
        Easy start: you can start WinLinux 2000 just as you start any
other Windows application, just
        double click it
        Safe installation: you do not have to put your existing data at
risk to install it as you have to do with
        other Linux systems (no HD repartitioning)
        Easy troubleshooting: a Troubleshooting Utility is included to
simplify the request of Online
        Optimal Disk Usage: WinLinux 2000 shares free disk space with
Windows, i.e., you do not have
        to set two independent hard disk partitions that do not share
free disk space.
        Familiar look and feel: you will be amazed by how simple it is
to use K Desktop Environment, the
        graphical interface used by WinLinux 2000.

   Read all about it (And download it) at: http://www.winlinux.net";