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Fourre toi tes virus à queuque part -->Re: Snowhite and the Seven Dwarfs - The REAL story!

Hahaha a écrit :
> Today, Snowhite was turning 18. The 7 Dwarfs always where very educated and
> polite with Snowhite. When they go out work at mornign, they promissed a
> *huge* surprise. Snowhite was anxious. Suddlently, the door open, and the Seven
> Dwarfs enter...
>   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                     Name: dwarf4you.exe
>    dwarf4you.exe    Type: type non spécifié (application/octet-stream)
>                 Encoding: base64

Arrête de poster des virus sur le newsgroup et nettoie ton systême.
Un étudiant ingénieur devrait avoir plus de casse que ça.

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