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Présentation du produit Kylix

Bonjour ,

pour ceux que cela intéressent , il reste quelques places disponibles.

A bientot


There is still few places available....so register soon!

Inprise Borland Canada is planning an event you won't want to miss!

  As a valued third party tools vendor and/or partner, its essential to
  our business, and yours, that we keep you informed of our product
  developments. We have planned a Canadian Kylix Kick Start to give you
  complete overview of our latest developments for Linux, the Kylix
  project -- and you will want to be there.

  The goal of this event will be to provide a fairly complete Kylix
  technical overview with enough information so that you can begin
  planning for your Kylix development projects. You'll gain an
  understanding of what needs to be done to migrate fromWindows to Linux

  with Kylix, specifically if you're migrating your components or third
  party tools, ramping up for your next book, or planning future
  programs. The entire Kylix development team will be on hand to train
  and take your feedback on the product.

   The full-day, non-disclosure event, will be held during Linux Expo in

  Montreal, Quebec on Tuesday, April 11th, 2000 at the Delta Montreal.
  This is a "by invitation only" event and will be the only event of
  type.  Space is limited, so  reserve your seat TODAY!

  We are looking forward to seeing you there!

     12:30 p.m.- 1:00 p.m.
     1:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
  Cocktail Reception
      5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

  By the end of this meeting the following questions will be answered:

       What is the Linux market?
       What is Kylix?
       What is the opportunity for you?
       What is the Kylix Early Access program and what resources are
       What is the Kylix technical architecture?
       What are the issues in porting your components and applications?
       Is the run time and compiler affected?
       How is VCL changed?
       What is the solution for database support?
       How do I maintain compatibility for both the Linux and Windows
       How do I integrate with Kylix?

  Please use the below reply form or e:mail Joy Manis
([email protected])
  with the names, titles and e:mail addresses of attendees from your
  company PRIOR TO MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2000.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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  - - - - - - -  - - - - - -

  First name:

  Last Name:



  Phone Number:

  E:Mail Address:

  _____ Please reserve my seat at this event on April 11, 2000
  _____ Thank you, but I will be unable to attend

  Please direct all inquiries regarding this event to:
      - Kathy Wise, Corporate Account Manager ([email protected])

tel;work:514-685-0507 x22
email;internet:[email protected]
title:Directeur commercial / Account Executive
adr;quoted-printable:;;1405 Trans-Canadienne,=0D=0ASuite 244;Dorval;Quebec;H9P 2V9;Canada
fn:Yves Ferland