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Re: Windows Xp a détruit mon MBR !!!
- To:
- Subject: Re: Windows Xp a détruit mon MBR !!!
- From: Yvan Barbeau <>
- Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 15:52:22 -0500 (EST)
In-reply-to: <[email protected]>
Regarde donc ça si ça peut t'aider: Last Modified: 08-16-2001
I erased LILO from the Master Boot Record when I upgraded Windows. How
can I reinstall LILO to the MBR?
There are several ways to fix this. The easiest method is to
boot your computer from the CD-ROM. Choose upgrade and proceed through the
installer until right after the part where you partition your hard drive.
At this point hit Alt-F3 simultaneously to get a shell prompt. From here
/mnt/sbin/lilo -r /mnt
You should see the usual "Adding Linux" output. Reboot your computer and
do not complete the install.
If you are not able to reinstall LILO from the above suggestions you can
try the following:
At the boot: prompt, type
linux rescue
Next, type:
mount /dev/hdaX /mnt
where X is the number of your root partition.
Issue the command:
chroot /mnt bash
You will then be in your natural root directory and can type
to overwrite the MBR.
Type Ctrl-D and reboot your computer when you have finished.
Ça vient de la section support du site de Redhat
Je sais pas si c'est une bonne idée de réinstaller lilo dans
le mbr. Selon ce que j'ai vu le système de fichier du mbr a été
changer dans windows xp tu pourrais ne plus être capable de
booter et linux et windows. Si tu le fait et que tu bootes plus
essaie d'utiliser une disquette de windows avec le fdisk de ce
windows pour restorer le mbr.
Bonne Chance!!!!