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Re: script

salut jeff,

si tu programmes en php, tu peux l'utiliser :

#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
    // your php code here

  1.. Scripting with PHP
  2.. It's easy to forget that PHP is a complete programming language that
can be used for more than just generating web pages. I was once writing a
script to receive emails and place them in a database. I was fumbling around
in Perl and shell scripts until it dawned on me to install PHP for
scripting. 30 minutes later the emails were churning in.
  3.. Installing PHP for scripting on unix is easy. Just remove
the -with-apache directive from your configure options. This will create the
PHP binary that can be used to run scripts directly from the command line.
There are complete instructions for installing PHP for scripting here:
  1.. You can then write your script like any other shell script. Here is an
  2..     #!/usr/local/bin/php -q
      // your php code here

  3.. Once you start scripting with PHP the possibilities are endless. It's
a fully featured language, you can do anything you would normally do in a
shell script.

----- Original Message -----
From: "jeff" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 7:40 PM
Subject: script

> j'aimerais faire un script qui cré un répertoire, au départ il demande
d'inscrire le nom du répertoire a créer. Si le répertoire existe il le
mentionne et demande d'entrer un autre nom sinon il le cré avec les droits
777, et ce toujours au même endroit du type /home/bill
> D'autres par si vous avec d'autres scripts intéressants informez moi en.