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Re: Upgrader le pachage rpm a la version RedHat 7.0 beta

Pascal Forget wrote:
> Je n'arrive pas a upgrader le package rpm a l'aide du rpm
> de RedHat 6.2:
> [root@venus rh7-beta]# rpm -Uvh rpm-4*
> only packages with major numbers <= 3 are supported by this version of RPM
> error: rpm-4.0-0.59.i386.rpm cannot be installed
> [root@venus rh7-beta]#
> Si vous avez reussi a faire la mise a niveau de ce package,
> pourriez-vous me dire comment vous avez fait?
> Merci!
> Pascal

J'espere que tu as bien lu, compris, realiser, connait les
consequence, sait que tu vas certainement pleurer si
l'ordinateur se met a faire des bruits de mauvais
changement de transmission.

Second avertissement, vous etes pret a reconstruire la banque
de donnees de votre Red Hat Package Manager(RPM)


segg: You must have downloaded a RPM from rawhide.

segg: rpm-4 is NOT considered stable enough for production use (yet).
segg: This allow the used of *.src.rpm

diff -uNr rpm-3.0.4.orig/lib/package.c rpm-3.0.4/lib/package.c
--- rpm-3.0.4.orig/lib/package.c        Sat Oct 30 12:43:29 1999
+++ rpm-3.0.4/lib/package.c     Wed Jun 14 17:26:07 2000
@@ -265,6 +265,7 @@
     case 2:
     case 3:
+    case 4:
        if (rpmReadSignature(fd, sigs, lead->signature_type)) {
           return 2;
segg: ----------------

segg: here are the references that have

segg: -----------------------

Do not use the rpm v4 rpms from rawhide, they are completey
messed up.  Even when they appear to work they do not and
this can lead to database corruption.  Basically what you need
to do is stop over at rpm.org, and follow the first step.  That should
get you working rpm v4 sources.  Another alternative is to get rpm
v3.05 test release which as I understand it can read v4 rpms.  This
is your best choice as it should fulfill your needs.  You'll need the
following rpms:




Those should all install using rpm v3.  rpm 3.0.5 like I said
should be able to read v4 rpms and if not you can get the


and compile yourself choosing the configure option to
include support for version 4 rpms if its not in the
precompiled binary packages.  If you choose to install
rpm v4 from the cvs tree you'll probably need to upgrade
your libtool to do it.  If you go that route and have
problems e-mail me and I'll help ya through them, I've had
to do it many times before.

And don't worry, your database *should* be ok, though I
do not recommend rebuilding it before you install new rpm.

-Stan Bubrouski
e-mail: [email protected]


I built rpm-4 from the src.rpm in ftp.rpm.org, since many people advise
against using the rawhide rpm. You'll need db3 from there as well. Once
rpm-4/db3 are built and installed, youll need to edit
before running rpm --rebuilddb. Look for the lines %dbapi and
%dbapi_rebuild. %dbapi should be "1" (since your current database is in
db1 format) and %dbapi_rebuild is either "1" or "3" depending on whether
you want to switch to db3 for the database or not. I ended using db1 for
everything since all the 6.2 rpms are using that.

For Xfree-4.0.1 (from rawhide) you will also need pam-0.72, kudzu-0.49,
Xconfigurator-4.3.20, modutils-2.3.11, also from rawhide. pam-0.72
provides the system.auth pam file, and Xconfigurator provides the card
list for Xfree. The rest are needed for pam and Xconfigurator.
