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Re: [Q] received mail headers

Hi Bob, 

I think that I am narrowing down the problem...It would look like
my system is OK :)  Looking closely at my mails (backed up messages
by procmail, fecthmail high verbosity, looking messages by
messages ( having procmail send all messages in one file ).

I have located one the missing headers message, it had full
headers.  But it is one of those chinese/english messages. The
message is getting split into two messages --- one with full
headers which are always (most of the time) captured by my
procmail recipes as spam and the other part without complete

I have increase the verbosity on procmail to see what exactly is
going on.  If can confirm that this is indeed the case for the
missing headers messages I have been receiving it would indicate a
way to get rid of them.  



Dominic Mitchell             Email: [email protected]
Department of Economics      
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario            The XXI century starts on 2001-01-01!
Canada, K7L 3N6              Le XXI siècle débute le 2001-01-01!