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Re: Filtering out mail without a "From" header

>>>>> "ee" == era eriksson <[email protected]> writes:

ee> On 27 Jan 2000 09:37:07 -0500, Dominic Mitchell
ee> <[email protected]> wrote:
>> It appears that he is probably using a script that monitors my
>> connections and fetches my mail. Since I was using fetchmail in
>> demon mode I did not observe this behavior.

ee> Uhm, doesn't sound very likely. What about a local user on the box

ee> where you POP your mail from?

ee> /* era */

They told me that they were not doing active transfer of mail.  If
this is what is happening then I would tend to believe that they
got hacked.  

The fetching process I have observed is really a few seconds after
my connections has been made.  It behaves much like I had it set
with my ppp connection.  The way I had set it was that as soon I
had received the dynamic IPs from the ISP, fetchmail would be run
in demon mode and would fetch my mail every 10 minutes.  Upon
disconnection, the fecthmail process was getting killed.

I must say that I have some ignorance at this level :( That will
force me to understand a little more!

How can I increase the level of verbosity of sendmail so that I
have more information in my log files?



Dominic Mitchell             Email: [email protected]
Department of Economics      
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario            The XXI century starts on 2001-01-01!
Canada, K7L 3N6              Le XXI siècle débute le 2001-01-01!