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Re: ext2 performance tuning

Here are 3 website where I have read about HD tuning. I don't have specefic
URL but they are realy well organise. Hope it will help. 





>Hello all,
>(please pardon my English)
>I'm running into severe performance problems with
>an application that is hitting the filesystem really hard.  
>The hardware it is running on is a PII 450, with 256 MB of memory,
>3 128 Mb swap partitions, Adaptec AIC-7895 Ultra SCSI adapter, one
>internal Seagate ST34520W disk, and two external DEC RZ2DD-LS disks.
>The application in question is a web-based course app, which
>creates a lot of tiny files. Recently, it managed to use
>up 2.2 million inodes(!) on 4 gigs of disk, which is more
>than our newserver, usually the ultimate filesystem pathological
>application, was using on its entire disk, at the time.  
>Accessing any files in that application's partitions is extremely
>slow. It takes a full 7 seconds to run an 'ls' listing on a directory
>with ~5000 files. Creating a similar directory (with empty files,
>however) on another Linux system, and doing the same ls listing
>only takes 2 seconds. Unfortunately, this application needs
>to make frequent listings of certain directories, so its
>performance for the moment is best described as sub-optimal.  
>Does anyone have any advice about, or know where I could
>find information on, performance tuning for ext2 filesystems,
>or Linux in general?  
>This is a production application, so unfortunately I'm not
>able to use solutions that are alpha, spiffy, problably lots
>of fun to play with but potentially unstable. 
>Thank you,
>-- Julie 
    Lisez Neo, le nouveau webzine étudiant.
