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Re: disquette bootable pour Linux

Je ne crois pas que ce soit moi qui t'aies répondu, amis voici un
extrait du guide d'installation de RH6.0 qui devrait t'aider à ce



B.1 Making a Diskette Under MS-DOS

To make a diskette under MS-DOS, use the rawrite utility included
on the Red Hat Linux CD in the dosutils directory. First,  label a
blank, formatted 3.5-inch diskette appropriately (eg. ``Boot
Diskette,'' ``Supplemental Diskette,'' etc). Insert it into the
diskette drive. Then, use the following commands (assuming your CD
is drive d:):

C:\> d: 
D:\> cd \dosutils 
D:\dosutils> rawrite Enter disk image
source file name: ..\images\boot.img 
Enter target diskette drive:
a: Please insert a formatted diskette into drive A: and 
press --ENTER-- : [Enter] 

rawrite first asks you for the filename of a diskette image; enter
the directory and name of the image you wish to write (for
example, ..\images\boot.img). Then rawrite asks for a diskette
drive to write the image to; enter a:. Finally, rawrite asks for
confirmation that a formatted diskette is in the drive you've
selected. After pressing [Enter] to confirm, rawrite copies the
image file onto the diskette. If you need to make another
diskette, label another diskette, and run rawrite again,
specifying the appropriate image file.

Dominic Mitchell             Email: [email protected]
Department of Economics      
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario            The XXI century starts on 2001-01-01!
Canada, K7L 3N6              Le XXI siècle débute le 2001-01-01!