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Re: Modem interne

Voici une liste de modem considéré comme cause perdu sous Linux.  Si
ton modem entre dans la catégorie Internal Supra express mentionné
ta cause est perdu d'avance.  Tu devra te procurer un vrai modem et
non pas une carte qui a besoin d'un logiciel pour fonctionner comme
un modem. 



15.5 Incompatible Modems 

The following modems are not compatible with Red Hat Linux: 

    The Mwave modem/soundcard by IBM is not supported. The modem
    portion appears to have a regular UART and ought to 
    work; the sound function, however, is not compatible with the
    Linux sound driver.  
    Plug-and-Play (PNP) modems (these may be set up via isapnptools
    and setserial).  
    Modems that require software drivers for compression, error
    correction, high-speed operation, etc.  
        PCI Memory Mapped Modems (these do not act like serial ports)  
           Internal SupraExpress 56k 
           Internal SupraSonic 56k 
           Newer Internal Laptop Modems 
        The Multiwave Innovation CommWave V.34 
        US Robotics WinModem series 
        US Robotics Sportster Voice/Fax modem (X2 model 1785 internal PNP) 
        Boca modem (model M336l) 
        Boca Research 28.8 internal modem (model MV34AI) 
        Zoltrix 33.6 Win HSP Voice/Speaker Phone modem 
        Motorola ModemSURFR internal 56K 
        DSVD modem 
        Compaq 192 PCMCIA modem/serial card 
        New Media Winsurfer PCMCIA modem/serial card 

Dominic Mitchell           Email: [email protected]
Department of Economics    
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario      
Canada, K7L 3N6            Running Linux Redhat 5.2     