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Re: NT4 ne peut accéder à un répertoire Linux partagé par Samba

A partir de NT4 service pack 3, NT n'accepte plus d'envoyer des mots de passe non-encrypter a travers le reseaux. (Suis pas sur avec Win98 et derniere version de Win95)

Tu peux soit, reactiver les mots de pass non-encrypter en NT. Voir le fichier attache pour ca.

Si tu as un dossier /usr/doc/samba-version, il contient toute une serie de documentation sur samba et autres problemes relies au autres OS.

Aussi, tu peux regarder pour configurer dans smb.conf les options globales:

encrypt password = yes
update encrypted = yes
smb passwd file = /etc/smbpasswd

Des que le serveur recoit un password non-encrypte (en faisaing "net use" d'un Win95 ou bien en utilisant smbclient, smbmount), il updatra son fichiers de password encrypter, ensuite ca va marcher avec WinNT4.

Mais verifie quand meme tout ca. Je suis sur de rien.


---Pierre Sarrazin <[email protected]> wrote:
> J'ai de la difficulté à faire voir un répertoire sous Linux
> à une machine NT4 (Service Pack 4) par SMB.
> Le Linux est un RedHat 5.2 avec un serveur Samba 1.9.18p10.
> Dans /etc/smb.conf, j'ai mis la section suivante, en m'aidant
> de la documentation sur Samba:
> [public]
> comment = Invite SMB sur dev
> path = /home/public
> public = yes
> writable = yes
> printable = no
> guest ok = yes
> browseable = yes
> Sur ce Linux, j'ai un usager nommé 'sarrazip'. Sur le NT4,
> je suis "Pierre Sarrazin". J'ai donc ajouté la ligne suivante
> au fichier /etc/smbusers:
> sarrazip = sarrazip "Pierre Sarrazin"
> A partir d'un autre Linux sur le réseau local, je suis
> capable d'accéder au répertoire partagé avec la commande
> smbclient '\\Dev\public' -U "Pierre Sarrazin"
> Il me suffit d'entrer le mot de passe de "sarrazip" sur
> le RedHat 5.2.
> A partir du NT4, ça se gâche. Dans "Voisinage réseau", je
> peux voir la machine "Dev". Si je l'ouvre, j'obtiens un
> dialogue me demandant d'entrer un nom et un mot de passe.
> Que j'entre "sarrazip" ou "Pierre Sarrazin" (avec le mot
> de passe), ça échoue et ça me dit "\\Dev n'est pas
> accessible - Le compte n'est pas autorisé à se connecter".

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!== WinNT.txt for Samba release 2.0.3 28 Feb 1999
Contributors:   Various
                Password Section - Copyright (C) 1997 - John H Terpstra
                Printing Section - Copyright (C) 1997 - Matthew Harrell
                Priting Info     - Copyright (C) 1997 - Frank Varnavas
Updated:        October 16, 1997
Status:         Current

Subject:        Samba and Windows NT Password Handling

There are some particular issues with Samba and Windows NT.

One of the most annoying problems with WinNT is that NT refuses to
connect to a server that is in user level security mode and that
doesn't support password encryption unless it first prompts the user
for a password.

This means even if you have the same password on the NT box and the
Samba server you will get prompted for a password. Entering the
correct password will get you connected only if Windows NT can
communicate with Samba using a compatible mode of password security.

All versions of Windows NT prior to 4.0 Service Pack 3 could negotiate
plain text (clear text) passwords. Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 changed
this default behaviour so it now will only handle encrypted passwords.
The following registry entry change will re-enable clear text password

Run regedt32.exe and locate the hive key entry:

Add the following value:

Alternatively, use the NT4_PlainPassword.reg file in this directory (either
by double clicking on it, or run regedt32.exe and select "Import Registry
File" from the "Registry" Menu).

The other major ramification of this feature of NT is that it can't
browse a user level non-encrypted server unless it already has a
connection open. This is because there is no spot for a password
prompt in the browser window. It works fine if you already have a
drive mounted (for example, one auto mounted on startup).

When you mount a printer using the print manager in NT you may find
the following info from Matthew Harrell <[email protected]>

        I noticed in your change-log you noted that some people were
still unable to use print manager under NT.  If this is the same problem
that I encountered, it's caused by the length of time it takes NT to
determine if the printer is ready.

The problem occurs when you double-click on a printer to connect it to
the NT machine.  Because it's unable to determine if the printer is ready
in the short span of time it has, it assumes it isn't and gives some
strange error about not having enough resources (I forget what the error
is).  A solution to this that seems to work fine for us is to click
once on the printer, look at the bottom of the window and wait until
it says it's ready, then clilck on "OK".

By the way, this problem probably occurs in our group because the
Samba server doesn't actually have the printers - it queues them to
remote printers either on other machines or using their own network
cards.  Because of this "middle layer", it takes an extra amount of
time for the NT machine to get verification that the printer queue
actually exists.

I hope this helped in some way...

Printing Info: